Introducing New Honoraria Vendor

If you're a test center coordinator for SAT Weekend, you'll notice some changes to our honoraria process this year as we transition to a new payment vendor, Raise™.

What Does This Mean for Me?

In mid-June, College Board will reach out to request your permission to share your first and last name and your email address with Raise. After granting your permission, you'll receive a welcome email from Raise with instructions to get you and your staff set up for payment.

With Raise, coordinators and staff will benefit from:

  • User-friendly web app: The Raise platform makes it easy for test center coordinators and staff to register for payments, update information in real time, and track payment status on demand.
  • 24-hour customer service support: Agents will be available to assist with any of your payment needs via phone, email, or chat.
  • Reduction in international processing fees: Raise will work with our international staff to eliminate foreign currency conversion fees by their local banks as much as possible.

Additional Information

Through June 2024, all honoraria questions can continue to be directed to ETS. Starting July 2024, all questions can be directed to Raise.

If you need to submit your payment details for an administration prior to 2024, visit the ETS coordinator website at through the end of 2024.