

How can I practice for the digital SAT?

Students taking the digital SAT Suite tests will have access to a wide range of free, high-quality test preparation resources:

Sample Test Questions (With Answer Explanations): These questions illustrate the range of skills and knowledge on the digital SAT Suite tests as well as the response formats used (multiple-choice and, for select Math questions, student-produced response).

Full-length Adaptive Digital SAT Practice Test Form: Students can take full-length digital practice tests directly in the digital testing application, allowing them to get the full digital SAT Suite experience while familiarizing themselves with test content. Practice tests for the PSAT-related assessments will also be available starting in 2023. Full-length linear paper and pencil practice test forms are also available as downloadable PDFs. These forms are recommended for students who require paper-based accommodations on test day.

Official Digital SAT Prep on Khan Academy®: Students can log on to Khan Academy to prepare with digital SAT test questions and receive feedback, including answer explanations. In addition to providing test preparation activities, Khan Academy offers students a range of high-quality skill and knowledge building activities, including numerous videos and articles that target specific areas where students might need additional support.

Test Implementation and Classroom Practice Guides: These educator resources detail the design of the digital SAT Suite, offer guidance to educators looking to incorporate test preparation for the suite as part of their classroom duties, and provide information about evidence-based instructional best practices supporting college and career readiness for all students.

SAT Suite Question Bank (SSQB): This tool allows teachers to search for and download sets of practice SAT Suite questions targeted to their lesson plans. Teachers can apply multiple filters to the question bank to find the kind of questions they want. The SSQB will be updated with digital SAT Suite content starting in early 2023.

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