Introducing BigFuture School and Connections

Getting high school students to focus on planning for their future can be hard. BigFuture® School and Connections™ let students control the planning process and give educators the insights they need to help their students.

girl looking at phone screen

Students control their postsecondary planning process.

They have the opportunity to:

  • Hear from institutions that may be a good fit.
  • Explore customized college and career guidance.
  • Decide if and when to share their information directly with institutions they're interested in.
  • Access scores from their in-school assessments.
2 adults looking at a laptop screen

Educators engage in more meaningful talks.

They can view reports regarding:

  • Students with access to the app and a list of who’s using it.
  • Students who opted in to Connections and a list of who’s reading their messages.
  • Organizations that have sent messages to students.
  • Students who viewed their scores.

The Power to Plan—in the Palm of Students' Hands

phone screen with BigFuture School

BigFuture School

BigFuture School is a free mobile app that gives students control over the college planning process.

phone screen with Connections


Connections is the primary way for students who test in schools to receive messages from nonprofit colleges and universities, scholarship providers, and government agencies offering education programs.

Helping Students Explore Their Options

On average, students who choose to connect with colleges are 25% more likely to enroll, and 31% more likely to graduate on time from a four-year college. Those gains are even greater for Black and Hispanic students.

College Board Research

Comparing Connections to Student Search Service™


  • For students in states, districts, and schools that offer the SAT Suite of Assessments to students during the school day.
  • Available exclusively for students 13+ who take the PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, or SAT in school on a school day. (Schools, districts, or states can choose not to provide access to Connections.)
  • No personal information is shared with institutions by College Board; a student chooses if and when to connect and share information directly with institutions. College Board shares messages from organizations that are interested in students based on information students, schools, districts or states provide.
    *See below for what information is used by College Board.
  • When they opt in, students receive messages from College Board sent on behalf of institutions through the BigFuture School mobile app, email, and/or mail.
  • Reporting is available to educators through the K−12 Reporting Portal.

Student Search Service™

  • For students who access certain College Board programs outside of the school day.
  • Available to all students to opt in as part of SAT Weekend registration, on or on
  • Students who opt in agree to provide information from their College Board account, such as score range on certain tests they’ve taken, colleges they’re interested in from, and information about high school courses and activities.
  • Students receive information directly from eligible nonprofit organizations by email and/or mail.
  • No reporting is available for educators.

*Putting Students' Privacy First

With BigFuture School and Connections, no personal information is shared with institutions. A student chooses to connect and share information with institutions. This gives students and their families more control over when, or whether, they raise their hands to be seen.

Messages are shared from organizations that are interested in students based on information students, schools, districts, or states provide as part of the eligible in-school assessment. Messages received may also be based on any information students share in BigFuture School, their educational and career interests and preferences shared in BigFuture School, and score ranges on any of their past and future SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and any AP Exams to make connections that are relevant to students.

Accessing BigFuture School

When students 13 and over in the United States take the digital PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and SAT School Day, they'll have the option to share their mobile number to access the mobile app. Remind your students that the only way to access the app is by sharing their mobile number when they take one of these tests.

Text Notifications

After testing, they’ll be texted a link to download the app, a code they can use to log in, and an alert when scores are ready.

Privacy First

Their phone number won't be shared or used for any other reason.

Ready to Explore

Once students are on the mobile app, they can check their scores, start to receive messages on colleges and careers, and manage their opt in to Connections.

Downloading BigFuture School

Students who provided their mobile number when they took the PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, or SAT in school, can download the app below.

Download for iOS

App Store

Download for Android

Google Play

BigFuture School Resources