School and District Resource Center

We've put together this collection of resources to help you and your staff as you prepare for and communicate with students, parents, and caregivers about the value of each test in the digital SAT Suite of Assessments and what they need to know to get ready for them.

For Students

For Students

Use these resources to help students know what to expect from the digital SAT Suite and what's in it for them. Find directions on how to translate closed captions for the videos into any language.
Closed Captions Instructions (.pdf)

For Parents and Caregivers

For Parents and Caregivers

Use these resources at back-to-school night or anytime you want to communicate with families about the benefits the tests in the digital SAT Suite provide for their children.

For Staff

For Staff

Use these resources to educate your school staff about the value of the digital SAT Suite.

Additional Tools and Resources

Additional Tools and Resources


SAT Suite of Assessments–Educator Guide

Explore detailed information about each assessment in the SAT Suite.


Educator Experience Home

Explore information about purchasing, preparing for, and administering the digital Suite.


BigFuture School and Connections

Learn how the BigFuture School mobile app and Connections program, available exclusively to certain school day test takers, spark students' interest in planning for the future.