SAT Suite of Assessments
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Taking SAT School Day
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What's on the PSAT/NMSQT?
Preparing for the PSAT/NMSQT
Taking the PSAT/NMSQT
Scholarships and Recognition
PSAT/NMSQT Testing Rules
PSAT 10 Home
PSAT 10 Test Dates
What's on the PSAT 10?
Preparing for the PSAT 10
Taking the PSAT 10
PSAT 10 Scores
Scholarships and Recognition
PSAT 10 Testing Rules
PSAT 8/9
PSAT 8/9 Home
PSAT 8/9 Test Dates
What's on the PSAT 8/9?
Preparing for the PSAT 8/9
Taking the PSAT 8/9
PSAT 8/9 Scores
PSAT 8/9 Testing Rules
Practice Home
My Practice 101
What Are Content Domains?
Full-Length SAT Suite Practice Tests
How to Use Bluebook Practice Tests
How to Use Khan Academy
Practice with Confidence
Build Your Study Plan
Setting a Target Score
How to Use the Student Question Bank
Practice Resources for Educators
For K–12 Educators
About the SAT Suite
District/School Pricing Details
In-School Educator Experience
Using Skills Insight™
Additional Tools and Resources
Professional Development for K–12 Educators
Test Centers
School and District Resource Center
BigFuture School and Connections
For Higher Ed Professionals
For Higher Ed Professionals Home
SAT and College Success
Test Validity
Score Reports
SAT Suite Benefits: For Students & Parents
Students & Parents Home
El examen SAT
Why Take the SAT?
Why Take a PSAT-Related Assessment?
BigFuture School Mobile App
Help Center: Parents
Help Center: Students
Help Center: Professionals and Educators
Help Center: K–12 Reporting Portal
Help Center: SAT Suite Ordering and Registration (Schools)
Help Center: SAT Suite Ordering and Registration (Districts)
Higher Education Reporting Portal Help
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Help Center: Professionals and Educators
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Help Center: SAT Suite Ordering and Registration (Districts)
Higher Education Reporting Portal Help
Help Center: Students
Help Center: Professionals and Educators
Help Center: K–12 Reporting Portal
Help Center:SAT Suite Ordering and Registration (Schools)
Help Center: SAT Suite Ordering and Registration (Districts)
Higher Education Reporting Portal Help
Do students need College Board approval to use accommodations for tests in the SAT Suite?
When should I submit requests for accommodations?
If I missed the deadline for an accommodations request, what can I do?
What supports are available for English learners (ELs) and what documentation is needed?
How are accommodations applied in Bluebook?
Can students waive their accommodations on test day?
Digital Readiness Check
What happens during the digital readiness check?
Can students preview their accommodations during the digital readiness check?
What if a student is absent on the day of the digital readiness check?
Do staff need to log in to Test Day Toolkit to conduct the digital readiness check?
Can students keep the sign-in tickets they received for the digital readiness check?
Are all staff required to complete the training?
How can I access training?
How long is the training for each role?
As coordinator, how can I check that my staff have completed the training?
As staff, how do I know I've completed the training?
I'm having technical issues with the training.
Test Day Policies
How do I handle students who arrive late to the testing room?
How do student breaks work?
Can students who finish early submit their exams early?
How do we dismiss students after testing?
When do I reschedule a student for testing?
When do I submit a retest request?
Fee Waivers
When will I receive fee waivers for the coming year?
How can I order more fee waiver materials?
I am not a school. How can my organization help eligible students receive fee waivers?
How can I find out whether my students used their fee waivers?
Are foreign born and international students eligible to receive fee waivers?
Are homeschooled students eligible to receive fee waivers?