College Board Testing Device Lending Agreement for Digital SAT
The SAT® is now provided in a digital format. The SAT is taken at a testing site using a Windows laptop or tablet, a Mac laptop, an iPad, or a school-managed Chromebook ("Testing Device"); you cannot take the SAT on a mobile phone. However, in certain circumstances, at College Board’s sole discretion, based on availability, and if requested by you, College Board may loan you a Testing Device ("Loaned Testing Device") free of charge for you to take the SAT. If you borrow a Loaned Testing Device, you agree to comply with the terms of this agreement ("Testing Device Lending Agreement"). This Testing Device Lending Agreement is part of, and subject to, the SAT Terms and Conditions that you have already agreed to during test registration.
- You will pick up the Loaned Testing Device at the testing center from the test center coordinator or staff at the beginning of the SAT administration and return it to testing staff promptly upon completion of testing. You may not take the Loaned Testing Device from the testing center. The Loaned Testing Device may only be used for taking the SAT.
- You are responsible for ensuring that the Loaned Testing Device is kept safe, handled with care, and returned in the same condition as you received it.
- If the Loaned Testing Device is malfunctioning, you will immediately report this to the testing center staff.
- You understand and agree that the test center coordinator or staff will be made aware that you may receive a Loaned Testing Device for the sole purpose of verifying your identity and delivering the device to you.
- College Board makes no warranties (promises) regarding the Loaned Testing Device or the testing experience including without limitation that the device will be operational (work correctly). You waive all claims against College Board relating to the Loaned Testing Device, and you accept all risks relating to your use of the Loaned Testing Device.
- If the Loaned Testing Device is lost, damaged, or destroyed, College Board may (i) decline to score your test and/or (ii) seek to recover from you costs of repair/replacement of the Loaned Testing Device and/or (iii) decline to loan you a Loaned Testing Device for future test administrations.
- Providing you with a Loaned Testing Device is subject to availability and is at College Board’s sole discretion. If you are approved to borrow a Loaned Testing Device, College Board will make all reasonable efforts to provide you with such device on test day. However, College Board cannot guarantee that a Loaned Testing Device will be available on test day.