File Directory Listing Request Methods

You can use the PAScoresDwnld web service to retrieve a list of files posted for your organization. File directory listings are helpful if you don’t want to use the notification email to retrieve file names. You can request a full or partial file directory listing:

  • Full file directory listing: A list of all files posted for your organization regardless of posting date. You can compare this list to a list of files already downloaded to your system, then retrieve each file you need individually.
  • Partial file directory listing of files posted since 'fromDate": A list of all files posted since a date and time that you provide. You can obtain a list of files posted since the last successful download, then retrieve each new file individually.

You can request the file directory listing by passing both login credentials and the required parameters described on the API reference page through the web service in one step. However, you can also use your username and password to request an access token, and then using the access token to request the file directory listing. Code samples for both approaches are available.

Note: These file directory listing methods work only if the College Board professional account used for authentication is associated with only one organization in the Managing Access tool. If you need access to multiple organizations, create separate accounts and use the Managing Access tool to assign a data files management role for only one organization in each account.