

How are district invoices calculated?

If you placed a district-level order, then prior to registration, the SAT Suite ordering role user(s) at your district indicated which assessments, grades, and schools that should be paid for by the district. Final invoices are calculated based on the number of tests submitted using Bluebook. Schools may have additional students registered in their SSOR rosters who you won't be invoiced for if they never began testing. Lastly, if students start testing but don't submit their test, Bluebook automatically submits their tests 3 days after the student started testing. If you ordered multiple assessments for your schools, you'll receive a separate invoice for each assessment administered.

College Board automatically applies discounts for schools that serve low-income students and those that administer assessments in both fall and spring for the same school year. Learn more about College Board's new discounts, including several pricing scenarios.

If a district places an order, allocates testing quantities to schools, and schools don't place separate orders, the district will receive the total invoice. Test quantities must be allocated by the district in order for districts to cover testing costs. If the district and school place an order for the same assessment and grade, and the school tests more than the district orders, then the school may receive an invoice for all or part of the overage.