How can I tell if an order was placed for my school?
After an order is placed for your school, it will appear on your SSOR dashboard. You won’t receive a confirmation email. Both orders placed by your school and orders placed by your district for your school will appear here. Log in to SSOR to see what orders have already been placed.
If you have the SAT Suite ordering role, you can also click View and Edit Order Details to see more detailed information about the orders placed for your school. Learn more about roles within SSOR.
Important: If your district already placed an order for your school for the test, grade(s), and quantity you intend to test, then your school doesn't need a separate order. If you placed an order before your district had but now see that your district is covering the test, grade(s), and quantity you intend to test, then you should cancel your unnecessary school order before registration begins. Canceling your school order won't cancel your district's order.