How do I order tests?
To order SAT Suite assessments, follow these steps:
- Click the Order New Tests button.
- Enter the total number of tests your schools need for each assessment that you wish to pay for. This should be the largest number of tests all the schools together might need.
- Confirm the tests you're ordering.
- Allocate the total test volume to schools within your district.
- This will determine the maximum number of test takers who may be registered at the school for the tests and grades you're ordering.
- Be sure to complete this step or it will cause issues with registration and invoicing.
- Choose a start date based on the earliest testing date within your district.
- If you wish, you can enable schools to adjust this date by checking the box under the date selection calendar. This will allow individual schools the option to adjust the date you selected for them using their school's SSOR.
- Schools have discretion to change their planned test date(s) without informing College Board or completing any additional steps in SSOR, although the original intended test date may be referenced in or used to send time-sensitive emails.
- Choose grades for each assessment in your order.
- When you select a grade in this step, schools you've allocated tests to won't be able to place a new order for the same test and grade combination you selected once the district order has been placed.
- Confirm who will be uploading test taker data for registrations for each assessment in your order. If you choose district, then your district must upload data for all schools included in the order. If you choose school, then each school must upload data for this order; your district won't be able to upload data for this order.
- Confirm or edit contact information for your district.
- Optional: Request a paper contract and enter a purchase order number for your order if needed. Most districts don't need to request a paper contract in this step; only do so if your procurement process requires it.
- Review your order details, view and accept the ordering terms and conditions, and submit your order.
Learn more about the tests in the SAT Suite of Assessments. You can also review other topics in this section to help further guide you through the ordering process.
If you need help ordering tests or are ordering tests for the first time, view a brief demonstration of SSOR to help you become familiar with the available ordering features.