

What’s new in the test ordering site?

We’ve made several updates to the ordering process to make it quick and easy for you to order tests in the SAT Suite of Assessments. These improvements include: 

  1. You’re no longer required to order tests by grade. Just tell us how many tests you need.
  2. Schools will still be billed according to grade-level answer sheets received. If a contract exists, answer sheets for contracted grades are billed to the contract and answer sheets for noncontracted grades are billed to the school.
  3. You no longer need to order fee waivers for PSAT/NSMQT or fee reduction benefits for SAT School Day prior to test day. You’ll be able to apply these benefits to all eligible students in the test ordering site after test day when you provide your invoice information.
  4. We’ve simplified ordering for students testing with accommodations for PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10. You’ll access a list of students with approved accommodations and simply click the students who need accommodated testing materials. The approved accommodated testing materials for selected students will be added to your order.
  5. You’ll see more information provided on your ordering dashboard related to your placed orders, shipments, and invoices. 
  6. PSAT-related and SAT School Day orders will receive answer sheets weeks before test day so you can administer a preadministration session (not applicable to non-U.S. schools). Preadministration is not available for some PSAT 8/9 test dates. Learn more about preadministration sessions.
  7. You will no longer receive order confirmation emails when you place, edit, or cancel an order. With the enhanced ordering dashboard, you’ll be able to easily track the progress of your order and test material shipments using the test ordering site. You can also print your order confirmation for your records.