
Staffing Requirements

Individuals must be high school graduates, at least 18 years old, speak English fluently, and should have experience administering standardized tests.

Staff shouldn't be engaged in providing private PSAT-related assessment or SAT preparation conducted outside the auspices of their school or district for compensation.

Staff should also reflect the diversity of the students being tested and act in a fair, courteous, nondiscriminatory, and professional manner. They should possess the same level of integrity and maturity expected of a member of the school staff.

All testing staff must review and agree to the terms and conditions for participating in the SAT Suite and complete  College Board required training. Some states have additional staff requirements. Please see your state's resources for more information.

Testing staff will need a College Board professional account in order to use Test Day Toolkit and to access  the required training. If you don't already have an account, follow the instructions for setting one up.

IMPORTANT: Coordinators should refer to their state or district policy for additional eligibility requirements for proctors and other testing staff.