Studying and Practicing for the PSAT 10

The keys to successful preparation include making a plan to get the most out of your study time, setting realistic goals, targeting the areas where you have room for improvement, and practicing.

The easiest way to get started: download Bluebook™ and use the practice resources available for the digital test. Once you have some results that help you see areas for further study and improvement, take advantage of the free Official Digital SAT Prep on Khan Academy® for additional guidance.


  • Make a study plan.

    Know when you're taking the PSAT 10 and build a study plan to make the most of your time before the test. Set aside specific times to practice, watch instructional videos, and focus on the areas you need to work on. Set concrete, manageable goals.

  • Take a practice digital exam.

    Download Bluebook and set aside a couple of hours to take the PSAT 10 practice test. Sign in using the same credentials provided by your school.
    • Download full-length practice.

      If you have an College Board-approved accommodation to take the digital PSAT 10 on a paper form, you can download and print a practice test.

  • Set concrete goals to level up your skills.

    The best goals are specific, concrete, and manageable. Official Digital SAT Prep on Khan Academy will tailor practice for you, identifying specific goals, recommending an amount of time to practice, and giving you practice questions with full explanations.