Reference Information

The following reference information is provided for you on the test. This information will be more helpful to you if you take time to be sure you understand all of it before the test. The tutorials at can help you brush up on any topics you feel unsure about.

A list of 12 math formulas referenced on the Math Test. Reference 1: Formula for the area of a circle written as A equals pi times radius squared. Reference 2: Formula for the circumference of a circle written as C equals 2 pi times the radius. Reference 3: Formula for the area of a rectangle written as A equals length times width. Reference 4: Formula for the area of a triangle written as A equals half the length of the base of the triangle times the height. Reference 5: Formula for the Pythagorean theorem written as C squared equals A squared plus B squared. Reference 6: A special right triangle showing 30, 60, and 90 degrees; the height is X, the length is X square root 3, and the hypotenuse is 2x. Reference 7: A special right triangle showing two 45 degree angles and one 90 degree angle with two sides of equal length represented as S and the hypotenuse represented as S square root 2. Reference 8: Volume of a rectangle solid written as V equals length times width times height. Reference 9: Volume of a cylinder written as V equals pi times radius squared times height. Reference 10: Volume of a sphere written as V equals four-thirds times pi times the radius cubed. Reference 11: Volume of a cone written as V equals one-third times pi times radius squared times height. Reference 12: Volume of a pyramid written as V equals one-third times length times width times height. Notes: The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360. The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2 pi. The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.
