
Using Accommodations

Check the chart below to see how your approved accommodations will be administered on digital SAT and PSAT-related tests. If you think you need a different accommodation, speak to your school counselor or SSD coordinator, or contact SSD as soon as possible.

IMPORTANT: Accommodations cannot be changed or waived on test day. All accommodations must be approved by SSD. Speak to your school’s SSD coordinator or see Services for Students with Disabilities for information about requesting accommodations.

Keep in mind that some accommodations are administered differently on digital tests than on paper and pencil tests you may have taken in the past. For example, if you're approved to use a human reader for paper and pencil tests in school, you may be approved for a screen reader for the digital SAT. Also, some accommodations may not be needed for a digital test. For example, if you're approved for large print, you may use the zoom tool that's available to all test takers.

Approved Accommodations Details

Review the list below to learn how common testing accommodations will work for digital tests.

Approved Accommodation SAT Suite of Assessments Details and Testing Options
Extended Time
Extended Time Students will receive their approved amount of extended time within the digital test and will also receive extra breaks. Students approved for extended time for math only will receive extended time only for the Math section. Extended time for reading will be applied to the entire test. For SAT Weekend, students approved for up to time and one-half and double time will test in one day in a test center. This may change if the student is approved for other accommodations that require testing at their school. New: Students no longer need to use all of their approved extended time. They may move forward to the next module or section once standard time has passed.
Breaks as Needed Students approved for this accommodation will receive a test that allows them to pause their test to take breaks as needed. The pause feature appears below the timer. For SAT Weekend, students approved for breaks as needed will test in one day in a test center. This may change if the student is approved for other accommodations that require testing at their school.
Extended Breaks Students approved for this accommodation will receive a test with twice the time of the regularly scheduled break applied. There is no pause button; you will simply take the length of break that is applied in Bluebook.
Extra Breaks Students approved for this accommodation will receive a test with extra breaks. Students approved for this accommodation will receive a test with an extra 5-minute break applied between Module 1 and Module 2 in each section. There is no pause button; you will simply take the length of break that is applied in Bluebook.
Extra and Extended Breaks Students approved for this accommodation will receive a test with twice the time of regularly scheduled breaks and extra breaks applied.
Braille (Refreshable Braille for Digital or Paper Braille if approved) Students approved for a braille accommodation will test digitally using their own refreshable braille display or screen reader. Students using a screen reader will need to use headphones.

If a student is unable to test using the digital test, they should submit a request for a paper braille test.
Raised Line Drawings (formerly "braille graphs and figures") Students will take the digital test and use the raised line drawing supplement.
Braille Writer For a digital test, braille writing software should be used.
Reading and Writing Accommodations
Text-to-Speech (embedded)

Screen Reader for Digital Tests (Non-embedded)
Students approved for text-to-speech (embedded) will use Bluebook's built-in text-to-speech tool. This tool reads all text and provides short descriptions of graphics. No additional set-up is needed. Note that extended time will not be provided unless the student is also approved for extended time, screen reader, or another accommodation that provides extended time.

Students approved for a screen reader (non-embedded) for digital tests will take a digital test using the screen reader functionality available through their device's operating system or their own screen reader software. IMPORTANT: This is not a tool within the Bluebook application; it is the same functionality that a student uses with other applications. Some additional set up may be needed.

Most students who use a Human reader for paper exams are approved for text-to-speech (embedded) and/or screen reader (non-embedded) for digital tests and will test digitally. Students will use the built-in text-to-speech tool in Bluebook or the screen reader available through your device's operating system or any College Board–approved screen reader software. In rare conditions, a student who is unable to test with text-to-speech or dictation may be approved in SSD Online for the accommodation of human reader for digital tests.

Students testing with screen reader (non-embedded) or human reader for digital tests will receive a test format enabled with time and one-half (+50%) extended time.

Dictation for Digital Tests
Most students who use a writer/scribe for paper tests will be approved for dictation for digital tests. Students approved for dictation for digital tests will take the digital test using speech-to-text functionality available through their device’s operating system or their own speech-to-text software.

IMPORTANT: This is not a tool within the Bluebook application; it is the same functionality that a student uses with other applications.

In rare conditions, a student who is unable to test with dictation may be approved in SSD Online for the accommodation of human scribe for digital tests.
Use of Computer for Essays Because all students test with a computer, students approved for this accommodation will test as a standard tester.
Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology Students will be able to take a digital test using approved assistive technology software. (See below for additional information about assistive technology.)
Limited Time
Limited Time Students will test using the digital test. They will test over multiple days if the test time exceeds their approved time.
Auditory Amplification/FM System Students can use their FM system. Students will be allowed to use headphones.
4-Function Calculator Calculators are permitted for all test sections on the SAT and PSAT. A calculator is built into the digital test and is a universal tool for all students.
Large Print, Magnification, Color
Large-Print Test

Large-Print Answer Sheet

Magnification Device (electronic/non-electronic)
Students will use the zoom in and out function available through their operating system.
Color Overlay/Color Contrast Students can use the color settings available through their operating system and/or device screen, or they can use a plastic overlay attached to their device's screen.

Universal Tools Available to All Students

Some tools are available to all test takers and don't require accommodations. These include:

  • Testing Timer
  • Calculator
  • Reference Sheet
  • Highlights & Notes
  • Mark for Review
  • Line Reader
  • Option Eliminator
  • Question Menu
  • Expand Passage or Item
  • Testing Timer
  • Zoom
  • Color Contrast/Filters

Go to the Bluebook website for details on each universal tool.

Assistive Technology

If you'll be using assistive technology, be sure to read Accommodations and Assistive Technology for important information.

Accommodations with No Test System Requirements

Some accommodations don't require a special format of the digital test, but still need to be approved. Examples include permission for small-group testing, food/drink/medication, and permission to test blood sugar. These types of accommodations can be used by students with approval from the College Board SSD office.
