
Find out how to work with technology staff at your school or facility to get ready for test day and learn about the applications that make the SAT possible.

Test coordinators recruit one technology monitor to help students with technical issues on test day. The technology monitor must be on-site, but they don’t need technical expertise; they just need to try the tips in the Technical Troubleshooting Guide.

Digital Testing System

Bluebook™ and Test Day Toolkit work together to make digital testing possible. Bluebook is the testing app students use to take tests and must be installed on student devices before test day.

Students use Bluebook to take the digital SAT on Mac and Windows devices, iPads, and school-managed Chromebooks. They sign in to Bluebook with a College Board account.

Coordinators and staff use Test Day Toolkit to administer the exam. They can use any device that connects to the internet, their own or one provided by the test center. They access Test Day Toolkit with a College Board professional account.

Learn More About Test Day Toolkit


An internet connection is required at the start and end of the test, but students can keep testing if their connection drops momentarily.

Your test center must provide Wi-Fi to all students and staff on test day and allow students to test on their own device. Make sure Wi-Fi is available to everyone, including students not affiliated with your school.

To avoid delays on test day, check your room selections and network configuration with technology staff. Assigning too many students to a room can delay testing and prevent answer submission.


Bluebook can be installed on these devices:

  • Personal and school-managed Windows and Mac laptops and desktops
  • School-managed Chromebooks
  • Personal and school-managed iPads and Windows tablets

Students receive reminders in the five days leading up to test day, instructing them to:

  • Bring a fully-charged device to the test center.
  • Download Bluebook and complete exam setup.

Note: If students arrive at your test center without Bluebook installed, and time permits, you can let them download it in their testing room. This doesn't usually take long, but too many simultaneous downloads could slow your network. Students must complete exam setup to generate their admission ticket.

If students use a school-managed device, they're responsible for working with the school they attend to install Bluebook and ensure they can use it outside of school. Test coordinators should work with IT staff to ensure Bluebook is pushed out to student devices for students that attend their school.

Students who need a device can request to borrow a device from College Board at least 30 days before test day. They can submit the request when they register. If any students at your center will be using a College Board loaned device, we’ll email you 2–3 weeks before testing. Devices will arrive Monday–Wednesday the week before test day. These students are directed to arrive 30 minutes early to receive their devices and complete exam setup. At the end of exam setup, they’ll receive an admission ticket to use for check in to the testing room.

Technical Readiness and Test Day Troubleshooting

Test coordinators need to work with school or facility technology staff to make sure their test center is ready for test day. They’ll also need to reserve a room where students can get help and hire one on-site technology monitor.

Technology monitors don’t need technical expertise—they'll use troubleshooting tips we provide to help students who have problems signing in to their College Board accounts, starting or taking the test, or submitting responses. Learn more about technology.

Technical Readiness To-Do List

Test coordinators need to complete these tasks:

  • Reach out to school or facility technology staff for help.
  • Recruit 1 on-site technology monitor who can use our troubleshooting tips to help students with technical issues on test day.
  • Reserve a help room where technology monitors can troubleshoot issues without disturbing other students. A help room is just an extra room, near the testing rooms, with good access to electrical outlets.
  • Make sure your center's technology monitor  completes College Board required training and reads the Technical Troubleshooting Guide before test day.

Ask technology staff at your school or facility to complete these tasks:

  • Help you choose testing rooms with enough network speed and strength to support the expected number of students.
  • Provide your technology monitor with information about your test center's network and tips they can use on test day.
  • If students who attend your school want to test on a school-managed device, ask school technology staff to help them install the Bluebook testing application.

Go to the Technical Readiness Checklist and connect technology staff to the detailed specifications and guidance they need.
