
Tips for Helping Students with Next Steps

Your students will look to you to help them with next steps after viewing their score. Use these tips to help guide them:

  • Practice hub: If your students plan to take another test in the SAT Suite of Assessments, our Practice hub can suggest study activities and confidence-boosting exercises to help them prepare. They’ll also find tons of tips on how to use our practice tests effectively, including how to customize their own practice based on their scores. Visit for more.
  • In-class activities: You can use the information in your students' score reports to tailor your classroom instruction all year. Download our Educator Guide: Building Students' Skills Through Practice for ideas tested by your fellow educators.
  • Colleges, majors, and careers: Inform your students of free tools to discover which colleges and programs are right for them. They can access these tools at BigFuture. If they provided their mobile number while taking the SAT School Day, PSAT/NMSQT, or PSAT 10, they'll receive a link to download the BigFuture® School app, where they can also use these tools:
    • BigFuture College Search: Students can find out how first-year students at their top pick college scored on the SAT to learn whether their score will help them with admission.
    • BigFuture Career Search: Students can search career profiles for education and skill requirements as well as other aspects.
  • Scholarship opportunities: Students can search over 23,000 scholarships, and have a chance to match with over $4 billion in funds based on their background, interests, future plans, and past achievements.
  • Free score sends: Let your students know that they can send four free score reports by a certain date to colleges every time they register for the SAT or take it in school. Note: If they're eligible for an SAT fee waiver, they can send as many score reports as they want for free.
