
We're transitioning all student score information to the online Higher Education Reporting Portal and will no longer mail paper score reports to higher education institutions starting August 2022.

If you have the data files management role, you can download SAT electronic score report data and essay batch files from the Downloads tab. You can also see an audit trail of who has downloaded files. Files are posted weekly and are available for download up to one year after they’re posted. You'll receive a notification email when new data files are ready.

Electronic score report data files are posted in two formats, fixed width (.txt) and comma delimited (.csv). You can view more information on these data layouts, and also download sample data files from our Score Reporting Resources.

Opening a CSV file

A CSV file is a comma-separated value that can be easily imported into a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel. Click the file and allow Excel to open it automatically or use Excel’s Data Import from Text/CSV feature.

When you double-click a downloaded file (allowing Excel to open the file automatically), Excel detects column types and assigns number-based columns as numbers. This could result in improperly formatted columns, for example if a Student ID column is defaulted to number, it will remove any leading zeros in the data cell. To avoid this, use the Data Import from Text/CSV feature to open the import wizard, and set all columns as Text.

File Naming Conventions

Multiple data files can be posted to the Download Center on a single day. When files are posted to the Download Center, they will be posted using a standardized file naming convention:

  • Fixed width (TXT) format: [DI CODE]_[YYYYMMDD]_[HHMMSS].txt
  • Delimited (CSV) format: [DI CODE]_[YYYYMMDD]_[HHMMSS].csv
  • Compressed format: [DI Code]_SAT_ Essays_[YYYYMMDD]_[HHMMSS].zip

Naming Convention Key

File Name Element Description
[DI Code] The DI code the file is for
[YYYYMMDD] The date the file was generated
[HHMMSS] The time the file was generated