

What happens if my whole roster is incorrect?

If your entire roster is incorrect, then the test coordinator at your school can request a full data replacement by the data coordinator at your school. This action should only be taken when there are significant data issues for the majority of your roster (e.g., first and last names are swapped).

Before requesting a full data replacement, you'll need to ensure you have at least one unregistered student and also need to delete any registered students. Learn more about deleting students.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have at least one unregistered student in your roster before deleting all your registered students. You may need to add a temporary student to your roster before deleting all the registered students to ensure your roster is not empty after you delete your registered students. You can't use the Request Full Data Replacement feature with a completely empty roster.

To request a full data replacement, click on Additional Actions on your roster and select Request Full Data Replacement. Be advised that this will delete your entire roster of unregistered students and there is no way to undo this action.

After you request a full data replacement, the data coordinator at your school will be able to upload, validate, and submit a correct file for the test ordered. This includes grades and quantities your school ordered in addition to grades and quantities your district may have ordered on your behalf. It's a good idea to contact the school data coordinator before requesting the full data replacement so they understand what actions they'll need to take. They won't be notified automatically.