
What kinds of devices can staff use?
Staff can use any device that connects to the internet. Test centers can provide devices to staff who want them. All staff need to access the test center's Wi-Fi, including those who use personal devices.

What kinds of devices can students test on?
Students are told to bring a device that matches one of the following supported device types:

  • Personal and school-managed Windows and Mac laptops
  • School-managed Chromebooks run in kiosk mode
  • Personal and school-managed iPads and Windows tablets

Can students use school-managed devices?
Yes, students can test on a school-managed device that's assigned to them 1-to-1; they cannot use a shared device. The school they attend is responsible for installing the Bluebook app on managed devices before test day.

Can students test on a device College Board loaned them?
If students on your roster are testing on a loaned device, you'll receive an email with instructions before test day. Devices arrive at your test center with Bluebook™ installed.

Students arrive 30 minutes early on test day to complete exam setup and generate their admission ticket.

Can students test offline?
Students need an internet connection to start the test and submit answers when their test ends, but they can keep testing if they lose their connection momentarily.

What are the network requirements?
Your test center will need to:

  • Allow students and staff, including guests, to connect to Wi-Fi with personal devices.
  • Permit network traffic to and from College Board and Apple App Store.
  • Meet network bandwidth requirements.
  • Provide rooms with enough wireless coverage and range to support testing.

Get network specifications and learn how to prepare your network.

What is Test Day Toolkit?
Test Day Toolkit is a web application that makes it easier to administer tests. It can be used on any device that connects to the internet—no installation is required.

How and when do I access Test Day Toolkit?
Follow the instructions in the email we send you. Two-step verification is required for first-time access. After that, just sign in to your College Board professional account at testday.collegeboard.org.

Coordinators will get an access email with a personalized link about 2–3 weeks before test day.

Staff get their access email as soon as their coordinator adds them to Test Day Toolkit.

Will College Board provide technical support?
Yes. Customer service will answer questions on test day and before.


How much are participating staff paid?
Visit ets.org/supervisor for testing staff honoraria information.

How will staff be paid?
Test center staff are paid via the same ETS® voucher process or SAT Service Provider process used for paper administrations of the SAT.

What obligations do staff have?
In addition to fulfilling other responsibilities outlined in the Test Coordinator Planning Guide, all staff must sign an online participation agreement in Test Day Toolkit and complete training.

What should coordinators do if they have staffing changes?
Update Test Day Toolkit to make sure staff can use it on test day and add any new staff to your staff list on the coordinator's website.

Other Topics

How do students register?
Students can register for the digital SAT at sat.org/register.

Will students be able to test with accommodations?
Yes, accommodations will be supported, including extended time, extra/extended breaks, breaks as needed, and assistive technology. Learn more about digital accommodations here.

What should I do if I need to close my test center?
If you are a test coordinator and you or your test center can't participate, contact us as soon as possible.