
Proctors and Monitors

Thank you for joining the SAT Weekend staff.

Learn what proctors and students experience during digital testing at Test Day Experience.

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Also, click on the Resources for Proctors and Monitors card in the Resources section below to download one or more PDFs for your role.

Roles and Responsibilities

Proctors are responsible for conducting a secure and valid administration and are accountable for everyone in the testing room and everything that takes place in that room.

Hall and room monitors support proctors in keeping the testing area free of noise and distractions and watching for suspicious behavior.

Technology monitors remain in the help room and use the Technical Troubleshooting Guide to help students and staff.

Staff will require a device with internet access to complete test day tasks using the College Board Test Day Toolkit web application.

The time commitment for proctors and monitors is 5–6 hours total, including 4–5 hours on test day, with a 7 a.m. start.

Staff Requirements

All staff should meet the following requirements:

  • Not present a conflict of interest. Staff should not work in the same room as a household member or immediate family ("related student") taking the assessment.
  • Not engage in providing private SAT preparation conducted outside the auspices of their school for compensation.
  • Review the Testing Staff Agreement in your Test Coordinator Manual or Proctor Manual which includes confidentiality provisions.
  • Complete  College Board required training.
  • Important: All staff are required to sign the Testing Staff Agreement before every SAT Weekend administration that they are assigned to work. You will see and agree to the Testing Staff Agreement in the training module before your training begins.

Readiness Checklist for Proctors

As a proctor, you’re responsible for everything that happens in your testing room on test day. Complete the following steps to ensure a smooth administration.

Step 1: Complete Steps to Receive Honoraria

(As Soon As Possible)

Once your coordinator has added you to the staff roster for the first time, you’ll receive instructions from the College Board payment vendor, Raise, on how to set up an account for your honoraria. Account setup is a one-time process, so once your Raise account is created, you won't have to do it again for any future test administrations.

Step 2: Complete Training

(As Soon As Possible)

Complete  College Board required training.

  • You'll need a College Board professional account to sign in; if you don't have one, you can create one after clicking the training link. (You'll use this same account to sign in to Test Day Toolkit.)
  • Important: All staff are required to sign the Testing Staff Agreement before every SAT Weekend administration that they are assigned to work. You will see and agree to the Testing Staff Agreement in the training module before your training begins.
  • If you're part of the school-based accommodations testing staff, complete the accommodations modules.
  • All test day staff should plan to complete their training at least 1–2 weeks before test day.
  • You'll be able to sign back in and review the training at any time.
Step 3: Read Your Guides

(2–3 Weeks Before Test Day)

  • Read the following guides; you’ll need a password provided by your coordinator to open them (if you forgot your password, you can access these resources without a password on the training platform):
  • If you're testing students with accommodations in a school-based setting, review the instructions relevant to the accommodations you’re administering:
Step 4: Sign in to Test Day Toolkit

(Before Test Day)

As soon as your coordinator adds you to their staff list in Test Day Toolkit, you’ll get an access email.

  • Accessing Test Day Toolkit requires two-step verification, so don't wait until test day to start.
  • Check with your test coordinator if you don't receive an access email.
Step 5: On Test Day
  • Report to your test center at 7 a.m. local time on test day.
  • Bring your fully charged device (unless your test center agreed to provide one for you).
  • Sign in to Test Day Toolkit.

Remember to refer to your PDF resources as needed. While students are testing, be sure to monitor your room carefully for any student with their hand raised. If Bluebook crashes or a student tries to exit Bluebook, they’ll need your help to manually allow them to re-enter testing via Test Day Toolkit. Any time you leave your desk, bring your device with Test Day Toolkit (tablet, phone, or laptop) with you so you can resolve these issues efficiently.

Remember to refer to your PDF resources as needed.

Readiness Checklist for Monitors

Step 1: Complete Steps to Receive Honoraria

(As Soon As Possible)

Once your coordinator has added you to the staff roster for the first time, you'll receive instructions from the College Board payment vendor, Raise, on how to set up an account for your honoraria. Account setup is a one-time process, so once your Raise account is created, you won't have to do it again for any future test administrations.

Step 2: Complete Training

(3–4 Weeks Before Test Day)

Complete  College Board required training.

  • You'll need a College Board professional account to sign in.
  • If you don't have one, you can create one after clicking the training link. (You'll use this same account to sign in to Test Day Toolkit.)
  • Important: All staff are required to sign the Testing Staff Agreement before every SAT Weekend administration that they are assigned to work. You will see and agree to the Testing Staff Agreement in the training module before your training begins.
Step 3: Read Your Guides

(2–3 Weeks Before Test Day)

Read the following guide(s) that apply to your role; you'll need a password provided by your coordinator to open them (if you forgot your password, you can access these resources without a password on the training platform):

Step 4: Sign in to Test Day Toolkit

(Before Test Day)

As soon as your coordinator adds you to their staff list in Test Day Toolkit, you'll get an access email.

  • Accessing Test Day Toolkit requires two-step verification, so don't wait until test day to start.
  • Check with your test coordinator if you don't receive an access email.
Step 5: On Test Day
  • Report to your test center at 7 a.m. local time on test day.
  • Bring your fully charged device (unless your test center agreed to provide one for you).
  • Sign in to Test Day Toolkit.

While students are testing, be sure to monitor your room carefully. Alert your proctor if you notice that a student has their hand raised. The student may need help to re-enter testing.

Remember to refer to your PDF resources as needed.
