
SSOR District Test Day Readiness Dashboard

New for in-school SAT Suite of Assessments administrations in the 2024–25 academic year, district staff can use the SSOR District Test Day Readiness Dashboard to monitor the progress of ordering, registration, test prep activities, and test submission for schools in their district. This dashboard is only available to district staff who can access the SAT Suite Ordering and Registration (SSOR) system and only shows data for their next upcoming administration(s).

Navigate to the dashboard by clicking the District Test Day Readiness Dashboard link below the main blue banner on SSOR's ordering and registration views. If you don't have access to SSOR, connect with your district's SSOR Access Manager. More information on accessing SSOR is available under Accessing in the Help Center.

District Data for Each Test

Data for each upcoming test in the SAT Suite will be viewable in its own tab. Toggle between the assessment-specific tabs to monitor progress for each test schools in your district are administering. Data in this report is updated daily. Refer to the bottom right of the report to view the date and time of the most recent update.

Quickly Track Progress

The Total Schools Progress chart quickly summarizes how many of your district's schools have achieved the following statuses:

  • Uploaded Data in SSOR
  • Registered Students in SSOR
  • Started Test Day Toolkit Setup
  • NEW! Primary Test Coordinator Has Completed Training
  • Started Exam Setup in Bluebook
  • Started Testing in Bluebook

If you see a "No data" message under one of the above statuses in the Total Schools Progress chart, it means none of your district's schools have started that action in SSOR, Test Day Toolkit, or Bluebook.

The Student Progress chart shows the number of students across your district who have achieved the following statuses:

  • Registered
  • Exam Setup
  • Test Started
  • Test Submitted

Apply filters to isolate data pertaining to specific schools, schools with certain statuses, or intended and actual testing dates.

See Your Data in Detail

The dashboard includes a table that summarizes the status for each school in your district, including the following data points:

  • School Name
  • AI Code: Also known as "School Code."
  • Test: Click the tabs at the top of the dashboard to toggle between data for the different tests in the SAT Suite. If your district or schools haven't ordered a test, no data will appear for that test.
  • Intended Test Start Date: Shows the intended test start date submitted in your schools' or district's SSOR order. This field will update automatically, after the daily data refresh, if the intended test start date is modified in SSOR.
  • Actual Test Start Date: Shows the actual test start date of the first students who started testing in Bluebook. If students are testing on different days, this field will show the earliest date that testing started.
  • Tests Ordered: Shows the total number of tests ordered in SSOR by your district's and/or schools' purchasers.
  • Students Uploaded: Shows the total number of students in the data file(s) uploaded and submitted by your district's and/or schools' data coordinators in SSOR.
  • Students Registered: Shows the total number of students whose data has been validated and who have been registered to test in SSOR by your schools' test coordinators or SSD coordinators.
  • Test Day Toolkit Accessed: Shows whether the test coordinator signed in to Test Day Toolkit and selected this administration.
  • NEW! Completed Training: Shows whether the primary test coordinator has completed training.
  • Rooms Added: Shows how many rooms were added to this administration in Test Day Toolkit.
  • Staff Added: Shows how many staff were added to this administration in Test Day Toolkit. (Learn about staff ratios for in-school testing.)
  • Exam Setup Complete: Shows how many students have completed exam setup in Bluebook. (Learn about the digital readiness check for in-school testing.)
  • Tests Started: Shows how many students have begun testing in Bluebook.
  • Tests Submitted: Shows how many students have successfully submitted their answers in Bluebook. If students don't submit their own answers after testing, Bluebook automatically submits their answers after 3 days.

To view your district data offline, export the table to an XLS file to view as a spreadsheet.

To learn more about the test coordinator’s role in achieving milestones related to ordering, registration, and administration preparedness, visit the Checklist for District Test Coordinators.