

There are several free practice options available to students before test day. Share these with your students to help them feel prepared for the test.

  • Download Bluebook for the following practice resources:
    • Test Preview: A short set of untimed questions lets students experience digital testing and try out the tools. They won't receive scores or any feedback on their answers.
    • Full-Length Practice: These tests are timed like a real test, except students can pause the timer if necessary or move forward from one section to the next before time expires. Full-length practice tests will be available in Bluebook and include all of the tools available to students on the actual tests. Students can access Bluebook and the in-app practice tests using a sign-in ticket from their school or a personal College Board student account.
      • After finishing the practice test in Bluebook, students can use the same sign-in ticket login on My Practice at to view their score results and their practice exam questions, answers, and explanations.
      • When logging in to My Practice with a sign-in ticket, students will only have access to those practice results for 90 days. However, students can also later log in to My Practice using their personal accounts for additional insights to view all of their practice results.
      • There is no limit to the number of times a student can take any practice test.
  • Official SAT Prep on Khan Academy® provides targeted prep for students by identifying specific goals and giving them practice questions with full explanations.
  • Paper practice tests are available for students who will be testing with accommodations that require a paper format and/or for students who are just looking for additional sample questions.
    • Download and print paper practice tests for SAT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9.
      Note: Due to differences in format, paper practice tests are not identical to digital practice tests and should only be used by students approved to test with a paper test book.
  • More information about practicing with assistive technology is available at Accommodations and Assistive Technology.

Practice with Accommodations

Students who will be testing with accommodations are encouraged to download the digital testing app, Bluebook, and complete a practice test before test day. They can enable the accommodations that they'll need so they can get familiar with how they’ll work within Bluebook on test day. Students testing with assistive technology can also test the formats they need in the Bluebook test preview.

NOTE: While any student can take a full-length practice test with accommodations in Bluebook, this doesn't mean the student has been approved to test with those accommodations. See Registering with Accommodations for more information on how to ensure that all students who need accommodations have them on test day.