
Registering with Accommodations

Making sure that students with disabilities can test with accommodations is important to us. When students take a digital exam in Bluebook™, they'll see a personal information screen that lists their name and any accommodations they're approved for.

  1. Learn about accommodations on the digital test. Some accommodations work differently on a digital test than with a paper and pencil test. Get more information about testing with accommodations.
  2. The SSD coordinator partners with the test coordinator to get approval for students who need accommodations.
    • To take SAT School Day or any of the PSAT-related assessments (including PSAT 8/9) with accommodations, students with documented disabilities must request accommodations from the College Board Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) department. Visit How to Request Accommodations to learn more, and then come back here to continue through the required steps.
    • Students already approved for accommodations on College Board tests don’t need to reapply for spring testing, but you may have newly enrolled students or English learner (EL) students who need the EL support of extended time.
    • Make sure accommodations are requested in time, following the submission deadlines for your intended start date found on Test Dates and Deadlines. Start the process right away—requests must be submitted at least 7 weeks before test day.
  3. Coordinate with staff who have the SAT Suite registration role in SAT Suite Ordering and Registration (SSOR) to make sure your roster reflects your students' accommodations.
    • Be sure to review student SSD ID numbers and accommodations listed in the SSOR roster (Step 2 for schools) before registering students.
    • Read the Accommodations Troubleshooting section in the Registration Guide if you need help with SSOR.
    • Ensure you’ve completed the necessary steps to verify accommodations for students with disabilities for the SAT Suite of Assessments and extended time support for EL students taking SAT School Day, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, or PSAT 8/9.
    • Ahead of test day, review the Test Coordinator Manual with the SSD coordinator. It contains a chapter on accommodations and supports verification steps to ensure students have the accommodations they'll need.
  4. Start planning for testing students with different timing, breaks, or other accommodations that affect their room assignments. Find more information in the Accommodations Guide in the Test Coordinator Manual.
  5. If you have students approved for testing with a screen reader (non-embedded), text-to-speech (embedded), dictation, or other assistive technology, the SSD coordinator needs to work with your school’s technology coordinator to ensure students using assistive technology have the proper setup on their testing devices. For additional information about the new embedded text-to-speech tool and other spring 2025 SSD updates, visit SSD Updates.
    • Find more information about assistive technology at Accommodations and Assistive Technology.
    • The SSD coordinator should help these students practice using their assistive technology with the digital exam prior to taking the test.

Ensure Accommodations Are Accurate Before Registering Students

Schools don’t order standard and accommodated testing materials separately. Instead, users will order the total number of tests for all students (standard and accommodated) up front. There is no need to wait for College Board approval before ordering tests. You can order tests for students who have pending accommodations requests.

Specific student accommodations will be appended to each student record during the registration process. Data for accommodations and extended time support for EL students must be accurate and aligned in both SSOR and SSD Online for a student to be properly registered with approved accommodations. Before you register a student in SSOR, be sure to validate the accuracy of their accommodations data in both systems to save yourself time and ensure this process is as seamless as possible. See the Test Coordinator Manual for more information about this step.
