
Hall and Room Monitor

Hall and room monitors assist with test administration duties. Monitors don't administer the test, but they will have access to Test Day Toolkit. They can be a current professional or a member of administrative, secretarial, or clerical staff.

Responsibilities include:

  • Help set up the school for testing.
  • Direct students to their assigned rooms and to the restrooms.
  • Answer students' questions.
  • Monitor the testing room, hallways, and restrooms for student misconduct such as using prohibited devices or sharing information. Students should not talk during breaks.
  • Ensure that students in the school who are not participating in testing don't interrupt or distract testing rooms and students during their breaks.
  • Serve as liaison between testing rooms, the technology monitor, and the test coordinator.
  • Submit irregularities in Test Day Toolkit, if needed.



Colorado: A Partnership for Student Success

Colorado educators should visit our state partnership website to find their specific materials, including their testing staff manuals and Student Guides.