
Professionals and Educators Digital SAT FAQ: Test Day Prep


What are the anticipated test dates for the upcoming school year?

Visit SAT Dates and Deadlines for anticipated dates as well as current test dates and registration deadlines.

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How will students take the digital SAT?

Students will take the SAT on a laptop or tablet, using Bluebook™, a custom-built digital exam application that they’ll download in advance of test day. The digital SAT will be administered in a school or a test center with a proctor present.

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What if my students don't have a personal device to use?

Students may qualify to borrow a testing device if they submit a request with their test registration at least 30 days before test day (which is earlier than the regular registration deadline). Students who submit a request during SAT registration aren't automatically guaranteed a loaned testing device. See the SAT Terms and Conditions for more information about borrowing a testing device.

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What if my students are planning to test on a school-managed device?

Some students testing on school-managed devices cannot download Bluebook™ themselves; someone at their school may need to take this step. For more information about downloading Bluebook onto approved devices, see Device Info for IT.

Once Bluebook is on their managed device, instruct students to log in 1–5 days before their test to complete exam setup and get their admission ticket. See Bluebook for more information.

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What happens if students have an issue with their device or connectivity on test day?

We've built the exam application to withstand internet outages. If the internet disconnects during testing, students will still be able to progress through the test with no disruption—all their work will be saved, and they won't lose testing time.

At the end of the test, if a student is still offline and their answer submission fails, they'll have until 11:59 p.m. local time the next day to get back online and submit their answers. They'll need to go to their My SAT page and sign in to Bluebook™ to submit their answers.

See Bluebook for more information.

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