
A–Z: The SAT in Ohio



College Board and the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce have partnered to let districts and community schools choose the SAT as the state-funded college admission test for juniors. The spring 2025 testing window will be March 3–April 30.

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SAT Important Dates

Students will use College Board’s secure student testing application, Bluebook, to take the SAT. Bluebook is compatible with Windows or Mac devices, iPads, and school-managed Chromebooks. Find more details about Bluebook.

Test coordinators and proctors will use Test Day Toolkit, a web-based application, to administer the tests to students. Educators will receive access to Test Day Toolkit about six weeks prior to the start of Ohio’s testing window. Find more information about Test Day Toolkit.

Activities Responsible Role Dates
School onboarding survey School Test Coordinator September 30–October 11
Attending Institution (AI) code confirmation email School Test Coordinator January 8, 2025
Request College Board accommodations SSD Coordinator January 13, 2025
Test Day Online Training Available School Test Coordinator
SSD Coordinator
Room and Hall Monitors
District Assessment Coordinator
January 21, 2025
State Data Management System (SDMS) opens District/School Test Coordinator January 30, 2025
Test Day Toolkit available Test Coordinator TBD
Digital Readiness Check window School Testing Team 1–2 weeks prior to test day
Off-site requests due School Test Coordinator February 28, 2025
Test administration window School Testing Team It is recommended that schools select a week within the state window of March 3–April 30 to test all students and allow for time to test absent students or those who experienced irregularities.

The final week of the test window should be reserved for students who are rescheduled or must retest.

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Spring 2025 SAT School Day Test Window

Ohio State Selected Testing Window Recommendations
March 3–April 30, 2025 We recommend that schools select a shorter timeframe within the state selected testing window to test all students.

We recommend that schools reserve the timeframe of April 21–30 (the final weeks of the testing window) to test students who were absent or those who experienced testing irregularities.

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Why Choose the SAT?

Fact: Your students already know the SAT. Many Ohio students are familiar with the SAT because they take the PSAT/NMSQT. Students can access world-class, personalized practice through Khan Academy® to get ready for the SAT—for free.

Fact: All Ohio public colleges and universities accept the SAT. According to the 2023-24 Ohio Public University Guide, all public colleges and universities accept the SAT for their college entrance exam requirement as well as 166 private institutions.

Ohio SAT State Testing Overview—2025

About the SAT

Learn more by using these online resources:

Learn how students can benefit:

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School Testing Team

For the digital SAT, we recommend each school establish a team of staff to plan for and support test administration. Team member roles include:

  • School Test Coordinator
    • Responsible for all aspects of the test administration, including assigning students and staff to testing rooms.
    • Monitors all testing on test day(s).
    • Must be a staff member who is authorized to work with student personally identifiable information.
  • Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Coordinator
    • Responsible for communicating with students who need testing accommodations and their families, as well as students who require linguistic supports.
    • Requests accommodations and supports for students through SSD Online.
    • Must be a staff member who is authorized to work with student personally identifiable information.
  • Technology Coordinator
    • Responsible for making sure the school’s technology and network infrastructure can support digital testing, including student testing devices, test coordinator and proctor devices, and the school’s network.
    • Support technical troubleshooting on test day(s).
    • Can be someone at a school or district level.
  • Principal
    • Determines when the school should receive their score reports and will be the recipient of those reports.
    • Serves as an escalation point for testing issues.

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Students with Disabilities

SSD coordinators can apply for accommodations for students who do not have approved accommodations, or request changes to existing accommodation approvals, through SSD Online.

Linguistic supports are also available for English learners (EL) who take the SAT as part of the Ohio test administration. These students have access to up to time and one-half, translated test directions, and a list of College Board approved word-to-word bilingual dictionaries. Learn more about supports for EL students.

Ensuring that students with disabilities can test with accommodations is a priority for us. Students requiring the SAT with accommodated materials or other adjustments must receive approval from Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD).

All requests are considered. To use accommodations, students must be approved in SSD Online.

Setting Up an Account

SSD coordinators oversee aspects of the SAT administration for students testing with accommodations.

SSD coordinators use SSD Online to request accommodations for students. To access the system, they must:

You can submit requests for accommodations once you receive your school's attending institution (AI) and SSD Online access codes, and you've established your SSD coordinator(s).

Accommodations Requests

College Board has implemented a streamlined process for requesting testing accommodations, recognizing that school staff are most familiar with their students. This aims to reduce both time and paperwork.

For most students already approved for testing accommodations through their current Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan at school, these accommodations will be automatically approved for SAT School Day.

All accommodations requests are submitted through SSD Online. There are two types of requests:

  • College Board accommodations: Students with College Board-approved accommodations receive scores that can be reported to colleges. Once approved for accommodations, a student remains approved for all College Board tests, with limited exceptions.
  • State-allowed accommodations (SAA): These are state-specific accommodations defined by the ODE. Students, schools, and the state receive scores. Please note scores aren’t valid for college admission or for Ohio remediation free scores. These accommodations apply to state testing only and must be requested for each state administration.

Students who use accommodations for other state testing must still secure accommodations for the SAT through the SSD approval process.


Contact SSD

Email SSD or call 866-609-2205.

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English Learner Supports

English learners can use word-to-word bilingual dictionaries, translated test directions, and 50% extended time during SAT School Day.

Learn more about English learner supports

Word-to-Word Dictionaries for the SAT Suite of Assessments: A list of College Board-approved dictionaries for student use during test administrations.

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Training & Resources

Spring 2025 Webinars and Training Modules will be released as they become available.

Spring 2025 Ohio School Day Publications

Publications will be released in January 2025.

Parents/Guardians and Students

Ohio Newsletter Archive

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Contact Us

Questions? Want more information about the SAT in Ohio? Email us.

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The University of Akron, Zane State College, and 178 other Ohio colleges and universities accept the SAT. So do thousands more across the country.