Proctor Duties
Before test day, proctors should:
- Familiarize themselves ahead of time with the procedures and policies in their Proctor Manual.
- If administering the test to students with accommodations, familiarize themselves with the students’ specific accommodations and, for exams with extended time, understand how to time each section.
- If proctoring the test at an off-site location, familiarize themselves with all off-site testing requirements.
On test day, proctors should:
- Sign in to Test Day Toolkit at
- Follow the instructions for setting up your room.
- Make sure your room has enough seats and meets these requirements:
- The chairs have backs.
- Seats face the same direction.
- Students can't easily see each others' screens. You have unimpeded access to every student and can easily see them.
- Students are separated by at least 3 feet on the right and left (measured from center of desk).
- Seating is arranged to provide optimal access to electricity without overloading outlets or creating unsafe conditions.
- Tables that seat more than 1 student have enough space for students to sit 3 feet apart.
- Students have a large, smooth writing surface, such as a desk or table.
- Tablet-arm chairs must have a minimum writing surface of 12 × 15 inches (30 × 38 centimeters).
- Students won’t be seated around rectangular tables or at round tables, study carrels, seats with lapboards, language laboratory booths, or tables with partitions or dividers. (Partitions and dividers are allowed only if testing in a computer lab and they are low enough so that proctors can see students’ testing devices.)
- Check the rest of the room and confirm:
- It doesn't have visible maps, charts, or other teaching materials.
- You know where power outlets are located.
- Make sure you have all the testing materials and support staff you need to support students with these accommodations:
- Raised line drawings
- Human reader
- Writer/scribe
- Paper testing
- Written copy of verbal instructions (if testing on paper)
- Check that you have the following supplies:
- A copy of the Wi-Fi name and password.
- A copy of the Wi-Fi name and password.
- A sign-in ticket for each student.
- 1 sheet of scratch paper per student (plus some extra sheets in case students request more).
- If administering one or more serialized alternate test formats (paper test, reader’s script, etc.), a Testing Room Materials Report form with a seating chart.
- Recommended: a printed seating chart. (Large rooms may require more than 1 seating chart.)
- Recommended: power strips, surge protectors, extension cords, or laptop carts for charging.
- Testing devices for students (if applicable).
- For some students taking SAT School Day, the PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, or PSAT 8/9 with English learner (EL) supports, printed copies of translated test directions.
- Post this information so it's visible from all seats:
- Copy the Bluebook™ check-in directions and room code displayed in Test Day Toolkit.
- Add the Wi-Fi name and password.
- Add the name or room number of the help room.
- Write the following instruction: "Do not close your device or turn off your screen at any time during or after testing until you’ve seen the Congratulations screen."
- Distribute a sign-in ticket and 1 sheet of scratch paper for each student.
IMPORTANT: While students are testing, be sure to monitor your room carefully for any student with their hand raised. If Bluebook crashes or a student tries to exit Bluebook, they will need your help to manually allow them to re-enter testing via Test Day Toolkit. Any time you leave your desk, bring your device with Test Day Toolkit (tablet, phone, or laptop) with you so that you can resolve these issues efficiently.
The Proctor Manual provides further instructions for administering the test to students on test day. Be familiar with your manual before test day, and consult it as needed on test day.
Confirm Student Answer Submission
Before you complete all testing activities, confirm every student's answers are submitted to College Board. Go to In-School Testing and Answer Submission for guidance. If you need to request a retest, you can do so once testing has concluded.