The test coordinator should begin recruiting testing staff as soon as they are granted access to Test Day Toolkit. An email will be sent to the test coordinator with access.
If the test coordinator at your school has changed, follow these steps:
- Users with the SAT Suite ordering role will log in to the SAT Suite Ordering and Registration (SSOR) system.
- Click View and Edit Order Details option in the upper-right corner of the ordering dashboard.
- This will take you to the order summary, where you can click to edit the contacts on the order in the lower-left side of the summary page.
- Once you've updated the test coordinator, it will flow to Test Day Toolkit in one business day.
You might have students with accommodations who require testing in separate rooms. Test Day Toolkit will help the test coordinator identify the number of rooms that are needed to then determine the number of staff required.
The test coordinator should recruit at least one technology monitor to staff the help room on test day. This role is required for digital testing.