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SSD Coordinator
The SSD coordinator is responsible for supporting students who will be testing with accommodations.
Colorado: A Partnership for Student Success
Colorado educators should visit our state partnership website to find their specific materials, including their testing staff manuals and Student Guides.
SAT Suite: Translated Test Directions
Test directions are available in 18 languages. Access the translated directions and share them with students who are approved for English learner (EL) supports on test day.
Prepare Students
Share these Student Guides and the Practice Quick Start Guide with your students before testing. These resources will help them know what to expect and how to prepare.
Prepare Students
SAT Suite Practice Quick Start Guide
Learn how to practice for the SAT or PSAT-Related Assessments with this step-by-step guide.
- 6.87 MB
SAT School Day Student Guide
Find information about the SAT School Day, with advice about preparing for and taking the test. The guide also includes the testing rules.
- 2.03 MB
PSAT 10 Student Guide
Find information about the PSAT 10, with advice about preparing for and taking the test. The guide also includes the testing rules.
- 20.46 MB
PSAT 8/9 Student Guide—State
Information for students about the PSAT 8/9, with test-taking advice, practice information, and testing rules.
- 14.63 MB
Prepare for Test Day
Download and read through these resources to prepare for your role as the SSD coordinator. The policies and information in these documents will prepare you for the state contract SAT Suite of Assessments. If you have students approved for the paper version of the test, you'll need to download the Paper Testing Scripts from this list.
Prepare for Test Day
Accommodations and Supports Handbook
SSD coordinators use this handbook to guide them in requesting and administering accommodations for College Board assessments.
PSAT 8/9 Paper Testing Scripts
This document provides test-day scripts for administering PSAT 8/9 to students who require a paper version of the test. Testing staff should use this guide as a supplement to other staff materials for the administration.
- 1.49 MB
PSAT 10 Paper Testing Scripts
This document provides test-day scripts for administering PSAT 10 to students who require a paper version of the test. Testing staff should use this guide as a supplement to other staff materials for the administration.
- 1.7 MB
State-Provided SAT School Day Paper Testing Scripts
This document provides test-day scripts for administering SAT School Day State-Provided to students who require a paper version of the test. Testing staff should use this guide as a supplement to other staff materials for the administration.
- 2.35 MB
SAT School Day Paper Testing Scripts DoDEA
This document provides test-day scripts for administering SAT School Day DoDEA to students who require a paper version of the test. Testing staff should use this guide as a supplement to other staff materials for the administration.
- 2.07 MB