Online Score Reports

Access student scores in the K–12 reporting portal.

Educators can access detailed score data on the K–12 reporting portal.

The portal provides access to student results for the entire SAT Suite of Assessments, including the PSAT 10. It supports effective decision making with a variety of standard reports, including these:

  • Institution-level aggregate mean scores, score band distributions, and benchmark reports for a single administration date, with or without demographic breakdowns.
  • Content analysis reports that provide aggregate student performance in test content areas (subscores and cross-test scores) and on specific questions.

You can also download raw data files and import them into your student information systems.


What PSAT-related score information is available at the district and state level?

All data and analysis available to schools are also available at the district and state levels. You can also download raw data files and import them into school, district, and state systems.

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