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School and District Resource Center
We've put together this collection of resources to help you and your staff as you prepare for and communicate with students, parents, and caregivers about the value of each test in the digital SAT Suite of Assessments and what they need to know to get ready for them.
For Students
For Students
Use these resources to help students know what to expect from the digital SAT Suite and what's in it for them. Find directions on how to translate closed captions for the videos into any language.
Closed Captions Instructions (.pdf)
Student Guides
These guides provide helpful information for students taking the SAT Suite of Assessments. Download and learn what to expect ahead of test day.
Student Guides
SAT Student Guide
This guide provides helpful information for students taking the SAT during a weekend administration in Fall 2024.
- 1.07 MB
SAT School Day Student Guide
Find information about the SAT School Day, with advice about preparing for and taking the test. The guide also includes the testing rules.
- 2.03 MB
PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide
Find information about the PSAT/NMSQT, with advice about preparing for and taking the test. The guide also includes the testing rules and information about the National Merit Scholarship Program.
- 1.43 MB
PSAT 10 Student Guide
Find information about the PSAT 10, with advice about preparing for and taking the test. The guide also includes the testing rules.
- 20.46 MB
PSAT 8/9 Student Guide
Find information about the PSAT 8/9, with advice about preparing for and taking the test. The guide also includes the testing rules.
- 1.2 MB
PSAT 8/9 Student Guide—State
Information for students about the PSAT 8/9, with test-taking advice, practice information, and testing rules.
- 14.63 MB
What to expect with the digital SAT School Day
If you're planning to take the digital SAT on a school day, here's what you can expect.
- 02:43
Understanding Your Score Report For The Digital SAT On A School Day
Your digital SAT score report provides a lot of feedback as you prepare for your future after high school--college, career, or wherever your path leads you.
- 03:44
What to expect with the digital PSAT/NMSQT
If you're planning to take the digital PSAT/NMSQT, here's what you can expect.
- 02:45
Understanding Your Digital PSAT/NMSQT Scores
Your digital PSAT/NMSQT score report provides a lot of feedback as you prepare for the SAT and for your future after high school—college, career, or wherever your path leads you.
- 03:43
What to expect with the digital PSAT 10
If you're planning to take the digital PSAT 10, here's what you can expect.
- 02:43
Understanding Your Digital PSAT 10 Scores
Your digital PSAT 10 score report provides a lot of feedback as you prepare for the PSAT/NMSQT, the SAT and for your future after high school—college, career, or wherever your path leads you.
- 03:44
What to expect with the digital PSAT 8/9
If you're planning to take the digital PSAT 8/9, here's what you can expect.
- 02:31
Understanding Your Digital PSAT 8/9 Scores
Your digital PSAT 8/9 score report provides a lot of feedback so you, your family, and your teachers can see your strengths and areas that you need to focus on so you can continue to improve and plan for high school and beyond.
- 03:08
What to Expect from the Digital SAT
If you're planning to take the digital SAT on a weekend, here's what you can expect.
- 02:56
Understanding Your Digital SAT Score Report
Your digital SAT score report provides a lot of feedback as you prepare for your future after high school, college, career, or wherever your path leads you.
- 02:32
Customizable Student Flyers
Help students understand the value of the digital SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and PSAT 10 and customize with your school's administration details.
Customizable Student Flyers
Digital SAT Student Flyer
- 282.37 KB
Digital PSAT/NMSQT Student Flyer
- 448.19 KB
Digital PSAT 10 Student Flyer
- 248.39 KB
Printable Student Posters
Download, customize, print, and hang these posters in your school to help your students understand the benefits of each assessment in the digital SAT Suite.
Printable Student Posters
Digital SAT Student Poster
- 560.69 KB
PSAT/NMSQT Student Poster
- 131.18 KB
Digital PSAT 10 Student Poster
- 141.77 KB
PSAT 8/9 Student Poster
- 349.15 KB
For Parents and Caregivers
For Parents and Caregivers
Use these resources at back-to-school night or anytime you want to communicate with families about the benefits the tests in the digital SAT Suite provide for their children.
Principal to Parent Email Templates
Use these customizable email templates as you communicate with parents and caregivers about your fall and/or spring administrations of the digital SAT Suite of Assessments.
Principal to Parent Email Templates
SAT Weekend Principal to Parent Email Template
K–12 educators should use this customizable email template to let parents know about an upcoming SAT Weekend administration, the benefits for students, and what parents should know about the transition to digital.
- 73.92 KB
SAT School Day Principal to Parent Email Template
K–12 educators should use this customizable email template to let parents know about an upcoming SAT School Day administration, the benefits for students, and what parents should know about the transition to digital.
- 80.97 KB
PSAT/NMSQT Principal to Parent Email Template
K–12 educators should use this customizable email template to let parents know about an upcoming PSAT/NMSQT administration, the benefits for students, and what parents should know about the transition to digital.
- 78.78 KB
PSAT 10 Principal to Parent Email Template
K–12 educators should use this customizable email template to let parents know about an upcoming PSAT 10 administration, the benefits for students, and what parents should know about the transition to digital.
- 85.61 KB
PSAT 8/9 Principal to Parent Email Template
K–12 educators should use this customizable email template to let parents know about an upcoming PSAT 8/9 administration, the benefits for students, and what parents should know about the transition to digital.
- 88.62 KB
Website Copy Templates
Leverage these website copy templates to inform students and families of the benefits of the digital SAT Suite of Assessments and customize with your school's specific administration details.
Website Copy Templates
SAT Website Copy Template
K–12 educators should use this customizable website copy template to inform students and families about an upcoming SAT administration, the benefits for students, and information about the transition to digital.
- 47.92 KB
PSAT/NMSQT Website Copy Template
K–12 educators should use this customizable website copy template to inform students and families about an upcoming PSAT/NMSQT administration, the benefits for students, and information about the transition to digital.
- 79.76 KB
PSAT 10 Website Copy Template
K–12 educators should use this customizable website copy template to inform students and families about an upcoming PSAT 10 administration, the benefits for students, and information about the transition to digital.
- 59.8 KB
PSAT 8/9 Website Copy Template
K–12 educators should use this customizable website copy template to inform students and families about an upcoming PSAT 8/9 administration, the benefits for students, and information about the transition to digital.
- 58.24 KB
Digital SAT Suite Flyers
Share these flyers (available in English and Spanish) with parents and caregivers to help them understand the benefits of the digital PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, PSAT/NMSQT, and SAT. Remember to download and customize the form fields before saving and sending.
Digital SAT Suite Flyers
Parent's Guide to the Digital SAT
- 558.16 KB
Guía Para Padres Sobre El SAT Digital
- 561.51 KB
Parent's Guide to the Digital PSAT/NMSQT
- 608.52 KB
Guía Para Padres Sobre El PSAT/NMSQT Digital
- 598.33 KB
Parent's Guide to the Digital PSAT 10
- 558.99 KB
Guía Para Padres Sobre El PSAT 10 Digital
- 562.77 KB
Parent's Guide to the Digital PSAT 8/9
- 544.96 KB
Guía Para Padres Sobre El PSAT 8/9 Digital
- 541.33 KB
Principal to Parent PowerPoint
Leverage this PowerPoint slide template to communicate with parents and caregivers about the benefits of each assessment in the SAT Suite and the transition to digital testing.
- Presentation
- 7.21 MB
For Staff
For Staff
Use these resources to educate your school staff about the value of the digital SAT Suite.
Digital SAT Suite Flyers
Share these flyers with school and district staff to help them understand the benefits of the digital PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, PSAT/NMSQT, and SAT.
Digital SAT Suite Flyers
Educator's Guide to the Digital SAT
- 147.42 KB
Educator's Guide to the Digital PSAT/NMSQT
- 170.17 KB
Educator's Guide to the Digital PSAT 10
- 154.25 KB
Educator's Guide to the Digital PSAT 8/9
- 149.95 KB
Social Media Templates
Spread the word about SAT School Day, and the importance of practice, to students and parents with these social media copy templates and images.
- Compressed File
- 2.35 MB
Additional Tools and Resources
Additional Tools and Resources
Counselor Resources
Explore this collection of counselor resources and information to advise your students about the SAT Suite of Assessments.
- Go to Counselors
SAT Suite of Assessments–Educator Guide
Explore detailed information about each assessment in the SAT Suite.
Educator Experience Home
Explore information about purchasing, preparing for, and administering the digital Suite.
BigFuture Toolkit for Counselors
Introduce students to the Career Insights feature of their SAT Suite score report and other BigFuture tools that help students plan for life after high school.
- Go to Counselors
BigFuture School and Connections
Learn how the BigFuture School mobile app and Connections program, available exclusively to certain school day test takers, spark students' interest in planning for the future.