
Fee Waiver FAQ: Educators


How can I find out whether my students used their fee waivers?

Educators can access the Roster Report in the K–12 Reporting Portal to see which of their students registered for the SAT, who was absent on test day, who used a fee waiver to register, and more.

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When will I receive fee waivers for the coming year?

Schools receive SAT weekend fee waiver codes accessible via the K–12 Reporting Portal in mid-August. Accompanying fee waiver publications such as the SAT Fee Waivers Student Brochure and Counselor’s Guide to Fee Waivers are available online for download or printing.

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How can I order more fee waiver materials?

You should have received enough fee waivers to serve your eligible students through the end of the school year, eliminating the need, in most cases, to call the College Board for additional supplies. However, if you need additional fee waiver materials,  please contact the SAT Educator Helpline.

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I am not a school. How can my organization help eligible students receive fee waivers?

If your organization is a non-high school that primarily serves low-income high school students and provides educational support services, you can encourage your students to request a fee waiver directly from College Board. Some organizations may have received fee waiver codes in prior years. Those codes do not expire, and organizations can continue to distribute their unused codes to eligible students.

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Are foreign born and international students eligible to receive fee waivers?

Fee waivers may be granted to eligible nationals of countries other than the United States only if they reside and test in the United States or United States territories.

Outside of the U.S., fee waivers may only be granted to eligible U.S. citizens residing outside the United States.

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Are homeschooled students eligible to receive fee waivers?

Homeschooled students who meet the financial eligibility requirements may contact a local high school counselor to request a fee waiver code. They should plan to provide proof of their eligibility (i.e., tax records or proof of enrollment in an aid program). Homeschool students may also submit the SAT Fee Waiver Request Form to request fee waiver benefits directly from the College Board. When doing so, they should ensure they enter the school on their My SAT profile as AI 970000 (School Name: Home School).

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Can schools use the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) to determine a student's eligibility for fee waiver benefits?

Schools and districts that meet the criteria and choose to participate in CEP can't use a student's enrollment in CEP to determine eligibility for fee waiver benefits. This is because all students in these schools or districts, regardless of family income, are automatically eligible for free meals. Accordingly, CEP schools and districts must determine each student's eligibility for fee waiver benefits.

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My student requested fee waivers directly from the College Board and listed me as their adult verifier. What can I expect?

You may receive an email asking you to verify your student's eligibility. Eligible students can receive various benefits, including up to two free SAT registrations. We ask that you respond to that email as soon as possible so that your student can pursue next steps.

My student requested fee waivers directly from the College Board and was denied because I did not verify their eligibility. What can I do?

If your student is denied because they're not verified, you will have 30 days from the second reminder email to approve the student, and the student will receive fee waiver benefits going forward.

Will each listed adult have to verify eligibility for each student requesting a fee waiver directly from the College Board? Will the adults be notified of a student’s fee waiver request status?

Please note that we do not always contact the adult listed, so do not be concerned if you do not receive an email asking that you verify the student's eligibility. Only parents who opted into communications will receive copies of emails sent to students approving or denying their request for a fee waiver.