
Test Day Toolkit

Watch an on-demand webinar to learn more about Test Day Toolkit and best practices.

Test coordinators and their staff use Test Day Toolkit to administer the test. Bluebook™ testing can't happen without it.

Test Day Toolkit can be used on any device that connects to the internet. No installation is required.

Before Test Day

Use Test Day Toolkit before test day to complete these tasks:

  • View your roster.
  • Enter room names and capacity.
  • Assign students to rooms (optional).
  • Add staff, along with their email address and phone number.
  • Assign staff to roles and rooms.
  • Print student sign-in tickets for use on test day and during the digital readiness check.

Important: Don’t use Test Day Toolkit or share codes during the digital readiness check. Students need only their sign-in tickets to participate.

On Test Day

Test Day Toolkit guides proctors through test day activities, including:

  • Attendance
  • Reading the script and the codes students use to start the test
  • Monitoring student progress
  • Dismissal

Getting Access to Test Day Toolkit

Test coordinators will receive an email when Test Day Toolkit is ready. Click the link in the email, sign in to your College Board professional account, and follow the instructions. First-time access requires two-step verification. Returning users can just go to

Staff get their own access email when their test coordinator adds them to Test Day Toolkit.

Find step-by-step instructions on Test Day Toolkit setup.