
Ordering in SSOR

For schools, follow these quick steps for ordering tests in the SAT Suite of Assessments.

For districts, follow these quick steps for ordering tests in the SAT Suite of Assessments.

Need help with SAT Suite Ordering and Registration (SSOR)? You can get a quick overview of SSOR by viewing this short demo.

In-School Assessment Fees

Schools pay the following fee:

  • SAT School Day test registration: $60 each
  • PSAT/NMSQT test registration: $18 each
  • PSAT 10 test registration: $18 each
  • PSAT 8/9 test registration: $14 each

Invoices will be based on the number of students with submitted tests at the end of the testing window.

Note: There will be no international shipping fees for paper tests shipped for students approved for a paper accommodation.

Price adjustments are available for the following scenarios:

  • Schools and districts serving low-income students will receive a price discount based on the federally estimated poverty rate.
  • Schools and districts administering one or more assessments in both fall and spring.

Visit District and School Pricing Details for more information on these pricing adjustments, as well as others that may apply to your school or district.

Steps for Schools to Complete Ordering

Important: This activity can't take place without the SAT Suite ordering role set up. See Accessing SSOR for more details. For more information about managing access for a school, see SSOR Help Center for Schools. For more information about managing access for a district, see SSOR Help Center for Districts.

SAT Suite ordering role: Staff with this role can place and manage test orders for the SAT Suite in SSOR. This role should be assigned to someone authorized to buy goods or services and sign associated terms on behalf of their school. Your district may manage this part of the process for you and other schools in the district. Your school may need to take additional steps in SSOR to complete orders placed by their district.

  • Districts that place an order for their schools must be sure to allocate test quantities for each school that plans to test.
  • Schools need to review any orders placed for them by their district and provide additional information such as testing staff contacts.

Important: If the SAT Suite ordering role doesn't complete these steps, the order isn't complete and registration activities cannot proceed.

Already Submitted an Order?

After an order is placed for your school, it will appear on your SSOR dashboard. Both orders placed by your school and orders placed by your district for your school will appear here. Sign in to SSOR to see what orders have already been placed.

If you have the SAT Suite ordering role, you can also click View and Edit Order Details to see more detailed information about the orders placed for your school. Learn more about roles within SSOR.

Complete These Steps for Placing an Order:

  1. Identify whether your district will manage ordering for your school:
    • Connect with your principal or district testing coordinator to understand whether schools are responsible for ordering, or if ordering will be managed on your behalf.
    • Don't duplicate work! Only order the grades that aren’t already ordered by your district. If your district places an order for the assessment and grade(s) you intend to test, then you don't need to place an additional order.
  2. Enter Test Counts:
    • Enter the total number of students who may test—both standard and accommodated. Don't worry, you won’t be billed on this count, but it is used to calculate your expected total cost.
    • The grades and totals for registration are based on the test counts and grade allocations provided in ordering.
  3. Select Intended Start Date:
    • Select the earliest date you expect to start testing. You may test over multiple dates throughout the window.
    • College Board uses this date to ensure you receive readiness info and onboarding emails in time to start testing.
    • If your district placed an order on your behalf for the same assessment, then you will see they already selected a date. Depending on how they set up their order, you may or may not be able to adjust this date.
  4. Select Grades:
    • If you're part of a district, identify which grades your district may cover and which your school is responsible for. Your district should order the grades they will cover, and your school should order the grades the school will cover. Both should not order the same grades.
  5. Identify Contacts:
    • If your district orders but asks you to identify staff, you must identify school testing staff. Do so ASAP in SSOR. If this is required, the SAT Suite ordering role user at your school will see a notice on their SSOR dashboard prompting them to complete the order for their school. Sign in to SSOR to check for this alert.
    • Test Coordinator: The person at the school who will be responsible for testing. If this role hasn’t already been identified in SSOR, contact info is required for staff to receive critical on-boarding emails. This person must be at the school on test day.
    • Technology Coordinator: The person responsible for managing school-issued student devices and network settings; contact information is required in SSOR for critical readiness communications. This person may be a school staff member or a district staff member acting as the technology coordinator for multiple schools.
    • Other Staff: Principal and billing contact may also be identified at this time. After testing, your official invoice will be emailed to the billing contact associated with your order, so be sure this contact and email address is accurate.
    • IMPORTANT: This step is required to access Test Day Toolkit and  College Board required training.
  6. (Optional) Add a Purchase Order Number:
    • If your procurement process requires it, add a purchase order number for one or more tests in your order.
  7. Review and Accept Terms and Conditions and Submit Order.